vrijdag 8 juli 2016

Kerry optimistisch over oplossing voor Donbas

De Amerikaanse minister van Buitenlandse Zaken John Kerry is er van overtuigd dat alle, in februari 2015 in Minsk gemaakte afspraken over een einde aan het gewapende conflict in de Donbas ''op korte termijn'' worden nagekomen door de strijdende partijen. Hij zei dit gisteren op een persconferentie na afloop van een bezoek aan de Oekraïense president Petro Porosjenko in Kiev.

''Niet om extreem optimistisch te zijn, eerder realistisch, ben ik er van overtuigd dat we tot een oplossing komen'', zei Kerry. ''We moeten een manier vinden om alle partijen min of meer tevreden te stellen, op een eerlijke en verstandige wijze.'' Hij prees de Oekraïense regering voor haar inspanningen om tot een oplossing te komen.

De Verenigde Staten zijn overigens niet betrokken bij de onderhandelingen in Minsk die via een zogenoemde contactgroep nog altijd doorgaan. Kerry zei verder dat de door zijn land aan Rusland opgelegde sancties blijven bestaan zolang dit land de annexatie van de Krim niet ongedaan maakt en een positieve bijdrage levert aan een oplossing voor het conflict in Oost-Oekraïne.

De Amerikaan kwam niet met lege handen, want hij kondigde aan dat de Verenigde Staten 23 miljoen dollar (20,8 miljoen euro) aan Oekraïne geven voor humanitaire hulpverlening.

Bron: Unian
Kerry convinced full Minsk implementation may begin "in short order" U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry says that there is the ability in short order to begin the process of the full implementation of the Minsk peace agreements on Donbas, according to an UNIAN correspondent. Politics 23:31, 07 July 2016 147 READ LATER 0 0 54 0 0 REUTERS REUTERS "Without excessive optimism, with a pure note of reality, I am convinced that in the time left there's the ability in short order, frankly, to begin the process of the full implementation," he said at a joint press conference with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in Kyiv on Thursday. Read also Kerry announces another $23 mln in U.S. humanitarian aid to eastern Ukraine "Now, I think that it is necessary to find a path forward that unites the interests of the parties in a way that is fair and sensible, and provides assurance to both sides – to all sides, because there's more than one, or two – that the requirements of Minsk are in fact being met and being met in a way that gives everybody an assurance that their needs are going to be satisfied," he said while commenting prospects for the completion of the implementation of the Minsk security component until the end of Barack Obama's presidency. Kerry also pointed to Ukraine's significant progress in the implementation of the Minsk agreements, particularly, their political aspects. Read also Sanctions great motivation for Russia to fulfill Minsk accords – Poroshenko "I think it's the way you get things done, is to believe in the possibilities," he told Poroshenko.

Read more on UNIAN:
Kerry convinced full Minsk implementation may begin "in short order" U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry says that there is the ability in short order to begin the process of the full implementation of the Minsk peace agreements on Donbas, according to an UNIAN correspondent. Politics 23:31, 07 July 2016 147 READ LATER 0 0 54 0 0 REUTERS REUTERS "Without excessive optimism, with a pure note of reality, I am convinced that in the time left there's the ability in short order, frankly, to begin the process of the full implementation," he said at a joint press conference with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in Kyiv on Thursday. Read also Kerry announces another $23 mln in U.S. humanitarian aid to eastern Ukraine "Now, I think that it is necessary to find a path forward that unites the interests of the parties in a way that is fair and sensible, and provides assurance to both sides – to all sides, because there's more than one, or two – that the requirements of Minsk are in fact being met and being met in a way that gives everybody an assurance that their needs are going to be satisfied," he said while commenting prospects for the completion of the implementation of the Minsk security component until the end of Barack Obama's presidency. Kerry also pointed to Ukraine's significant progress in the implementation of the Minsk agreements, particularly, their political aspects. Read also Sanctions great motivation for Russia to fulfill Minsk accords – Poroshenko "I think it's the way you get things done, is to believe in the possibilities," he told Poroshenko.

Read more on UNIAN:
Kerry convinced full Minsk implementation may begin "in short order" U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry says that there is the ability in short order to begin the process of the full implementation of the Minsk peace agreements on Donbas, according to an UNIAN correspondent. Politics 23:31, 07 July 2016 147 READ LATER 0 0 54 0 0 REUTERS REUTERS "Without excessive optimism, with a pure note of reality, I am convinced that in the time left there's the ability in short order, frankly, to begin the process of the full implementation," he said at a joint press conference with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in Kyiv on Thursday. Read also Kerry announces another $23 mln in U.S. humanitarian aid to eastern Ukraine "Now, I think that it is necessary to find a path forward that unites the interests of the parties in a way that is fair and sensible, and provides assurance to both sides – to all sides, because there's more than one, or two – that the requirements of Minsk are in fact being met and being met in a way that gives everybody an assurance that their needs are going to be satisfied," he said while commenting prospects for the completion of the implementation of the Minsk security component until the end of Barack Obama's presidency. Kerry also pointed to Ukraine's significant progress in the implementation of the Minsk agreements, particularly, their political aspects. Read also Sanctions great motivation for Russia to fulfill Minsk accords – Poroshenko "I think it's the way you get things done, is to believe in the possibilities," he told Poroshenko.

Read more on UNIAN:

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