donderdag 14 juli 2016

Inwoners Donbas willen vooral een sterke leider

Nog geen kwart van de inwoners van de gebieden in de Donbas die terugveroverd zijn op de separatisten staat achter een economische en politieke band met Rusland. Dat blijkt uit een opiniepeiling van het IFAK in opdracht van de Denktank Donbas. Slechts 22 procent van de ondervraagden daar wil wel banden met Rusland, terwijl in de bezette gebieden 48 procent er voorstander van is.

In de bevrijde gebieden is 23 procent er voorstander van dat Oekraïne aansluiting zoekt bij de Europese Unie. In de bezette gebieden voelt slechts 9 procent daarvoor. Meer animo is er voor een onafhankelijke positie van Oekraïne, dus los van Rusland, de Russische douane-unie en de EU. Daar is respectievelijk 38 en 30 procent voorstander van.

Volgens directeur Dmitro Tkatsjenko van Denktank Donbas blijkt uit de resultaten van het onderzoek van IFAK dat de inwoners van de Donbas, zowel in de bezette gebieden als daarbuiten, graag een sterke figuur aan de leiding zien. ''Ze willen een sterk land en een krachtige leider. Zelf willen ze zich niet echt inzetten voor de maatschappij, willen ze geen verantwoordelijkheid op zich nemen.''

Bron: Unian
Less than 25% of liberated Donbas residents back economic, political alliance with Russia – poll The results of newly released sociological research, entitled "Features of the mindset and identity of the residents of the government-controlled and uncontrolled territories of Ukraine in Donetsk region," were presented on Thursday by the analytical center, "Think Tank Donbas,” at the UNIAN press center. Ukraine 20:30, 14 July 2016 37 READ LATER 0 0 0 0 0 REUTERS REUTERS In the survey, sociologists asked respondents which option they would choose if, in the near future, Ukraine was to join one of the economic or political associations. Only 22% of respondents in the liberated territory of Donetsk region supported an economic and political alliance with Russia, while almost half of the residents of the uncontrolled territories, some 48%, back this idea. At the same time, the option of joining the European Union was supported by 23% of respondents in the liberated territories, whereas only 9% of respondents in the occupied areas favor this option. Read also Over 40% of Ukrainians say NATO membership fundamental guarantee of national security Further, at least one-third of the respondents in both parts of the Donetsk region would prefer that Ukraine not join any political or economic associations, voicing these positions by 38% and 30%, respectively. Head of Think Tank Donbas Dmytro Tkachenko has said that after two years into the conflict, the region remains unique, in terms of socio-cultural features. “If we are talking about the portrait of residents in controlled and uncontrolled territories, we say, straight away, that we witness a very strong phenomenon in both parts of the region that we call paternalism: the desire for a strong state and a strong leader, underdeveloped civic engagement and civic positions, low level responsibility and unwillingness to take responsibility," said Tkachenko. Read also More than 40% of Ukrainians oppose idea of amnesty for separatists – poll He added that the Donbas residents declared that their rights and freedoms remain important. The poll was conducted by the Ukrainian office of the international research agency IFAK Institut between May 30 and June 13, 2016, at the request of Think Tank Donbas analytical center. The method to gather data was through personal interviews. Pollsters interviewed respondents between the ages of 18 and 65 who reside in government-controlled and militant-controlled urban and rural areas of Donetsk region. In the uncontrolled areas, 605 respondents were interviewed. The sampling error is +/- 3.98%. In the territory controlled by Ukraine, 805 respondents were interviewed, and the sampling error is +/- 3.45%.

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