vrijdag 1 juli 2016

Drie soldaten gedood, vijftien raken gewond

Bij gevechten met pro-Russische rebellen bij het dorp Loehanske zijn gisteren drie Oekraïense soldaten om het leven gekomen. Nog eens vijftien soldaten raakten gewond, aldus de nieuwszender TSN. De gewonden zijn naar een ziekenhuis in Charkiv gebracht. Vijf van hen zouden er ernstig aan toe zijn.

Van de kant van het leger zijn nog geen mededelingen gedaan over slachtoffers. Wel is melding gemaakt van 58 aanvallen van de rebellen. Daarvan hadden 34 plaats in de regio om de stad Donetsk, 17 nabij Marioepol en 7 in de naastgelegen provincie Loehansk. De dorpen Loehanse en Trojtske werden beschoten met 120 millimeter mortieren, Loehanske kreeg later ook nog eens te maken met vijftien aanvallen met 152 millimeter artillerie door de rebellen.

Soldaten bij Novozvanivka en Novo-Oleksandrivka werden beschoten met 122 millimeter artillerie, het dorp Krimske met antiluchtdoelgeschut.

Bron: Unian
he combined Russian-separatist forces attacked the Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine 58 times in the past 24 hours, including 34 times in the Donetsk sector, 17 times in the Mariupol sector, and seven times in the Luhansk sector, according to the press center of the Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) Headquarters. War 10:02, 01 July 2016 46 READ LATER 0 0 0 0 0 In particular, in the Donetsk sector, the enemy fired small arms and rocket-propelled grenades on the Ukrainian troops near the town of Avdiyivka, and the villages of Verkhniotoretske, Novhorodske, Maiorsk and Zaitseve. The occupiers fired 120mm mortars on the Ukrainian fortified positions in the villages of Troyitske and Luhanske. In addition, the enemy opened fire from 152mm artillery systems 15 times in Luhanske, the ATO HQ said in an update as of 06:00 Kyiv time on July 1. Read also Situation in ATO zone escalates, 3 soldiers reported killed In the Mariupol sector, the militants fired 82mm mortars on the Ukrainian positions in the villages of Berezove and Novotroyitske, and the town of Krasnohorivka. "In Luhansk region, the Russian-backed mercenaries opened chaotic fire from 122mm artillery systems on our positions near the villages of Novozvanivka and Novo-Oleksandrivka, as well as an anti-aircraft gun near the village of Krymske," the press center said.

Read more on UNIAN:
Situation in ATO zone escalates, 3 soldiers reported killed Three Ukrainian soldiers have been reported killed and 15 soldiers were injured in the Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) zone in the past 24 hours, Ukrainian TSN news service reported. War 23:35, 30 June 2016 191 READ LATER 0 0 0 0 0 Photo from UNIAN Photo from UNIAN The Russian-backed mercenaries fired cannon artillery, mortars and small arms on ATO forces near the village of Luhanske. The wounded soldiers were transported to a hospital in Kharkiv. Five soldiers with very severe injuries were hospitalized by air ambulance service, according to the report. The soldiers' conditions have been described as stable, according to doctors. "Yesterday three soldiers with severe injuries were brought, one of them in a state of clinical death. Fortunately, the patient was returned to consciousness – special thanks to our emergency physicians – and the operation was carried out. We could save only one leg, with 3.5 liters of blood being transfused. The patient's condition has stabilized," said Vladyslav Yatsun, the coordinator of the medical reinforcement group. Read also Minsk talks: Parties agree to separate forces in two Donbas towns – Sajdik Earlier, presidential administration spokesman for the ATO Colonel Andriy Lysenko reported that one soldier was killed and eleven were wounded in the ATO zone in Ukraine's east in the last year. Lysenko also noted that the situation in ATO zone has shown a tendency towards aggravation.

Read more on UNIAN:

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