vrijdag 17 juni 2016

Vaticaan geeft miljoenen voor steun aan ontheemden

De rooms-katholieke kerk geeft ''enkele miljoenen'' steun aan Oekraïne om de slachtoffers van het oorlogsgeweld in het oosten van het land te helpen. Dat heeft kardinaal Pietro Parolin, staatssecretaris van het Vaticaan, gisteren gezegd tijdens een bezoek aan de stad Zaporizja. Hij noemde geen exact bedrag. Op verzoek van paus Benedictus werd op zondag 24 april  in rooms-katholieke kerken over de hele wereld een collecte gehouden voor de oorlogsslachtoffers in Oekraïne.

Volgens Parolin gaat het geld naar de mensen uit het 'grijze gebied' aan weerskanten van de frontlijn die huis en haard hebben moeten verlaten en nu elders in Oekraïne een leven proberen op te bouwen, maar ook naar de mensen in de door de separatisten beheerste gebieden die het moeilijk hebben. In het bijzonder gaat de aandacht uit naar kinderen, bejaarden en éénoudergezinnen met jonge kinderen.

De hulp bestaat uit de eerste levensbehoeften, zoals voedsel, water, kleding, medicijnen en onderdak. Rooms-katholieke hulporganisaties gaan de hulp verdelen samen met niet aan de kerk verbonden organisaties en vrijwilligers. Kardinaal Parolin was in Zaporizja om daar een technische commissie voor de hulpverlening te installeren. Die commissie wordt geleid door bisschop Jan Sobilo van Charkiv en Zaporizja

Bron: Unian
ardinal Pietro Parolin, the Secretary of State of His Holiness the Pope, says that the Holy See would provide several million euros in donations to Ukraine to support "victims of violence in eastern Ukraine," according to the BBC's Ukrainian language news service. Economy 12:15, 17 June 2016 7 READ LATER 0 0 0 0 0 REUTERS REUTERS According to Parolin, the funds will be given to internally displaced people who have left their homes, residents of the so-called "grey zone" near the front line, people who live in the territories beyond the control of Ukrainian authorities, especially children, the elderly and single-parent families with young children, as well as people who have lost home, the wounded people and those who have suffered from tortures. The most essential aid will be first provided including staple food, water, clothes, medicines, shelter, according to Parolin who was visiting the Ukrainian city of Zaporizhia. Read also White House to commit $220 mln in new assistance to Ukraine in 2016 The aid will be distributed through the Catholic Church's charitable organizations, as well as other humanitarian organizations and volunteers. The Vatican Secretary of State introduced in Zaporizhia a special 'The Pope for Ukraine' technical committee chaired by Bishop Jan Sobilo.

Read more on UNIAN:
ardinal Pietro Parolin, the Secretary of State of His Holiness the Pope, says that the Holy See would provide several million euros in donations to Ukraine to support "victims of violence in eastern Ukraine," according to the BBC's Ukrainian language news service.

 According to Parolin, the funds will be given to internally displaced people who have left their homes, residents of the so-called "grey zone" near the front line, people who live in the territories beyond the control of Ukrainian authorities, especially children, the elderly and single-parent families with young children, as well as people who have lost home, the wounded people and those who have suffered from tortures. The most essential aid will be first provided including staple food, water, clothes, medicines, shelter, according to Parolin who was visiting the Ukrainian city of Zaporizhia.

 The aid will be distributed through the Catholic Church's charitable organizations, as well as other humanitarian organizations and volunteers. The Vatican Secretary of State introduced in Zaporizhia a special 'The Pope for Ukraine' technical committee chaired by Bishop Jan Sobilo.

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