donderdag 23 juni 2016

Porosjenko spreekt toch met Nuland in Kiev

President Petro Porosjenko heeft vanmorgen toch een gesprek gevoerd met de Amerikaanse onderminister van Buitenlandse Zaken, Victoria Nuland. Zij is vandaag in Kiev voor overleg over een oplossing voor het gewapende conflict in Oost-Oekraïne en reist daarna door naar Moskou om over hetzelfde onderwerp te praten.

Deelnemers aan het gesprek waren behalve Porosjenko van Oekraïense zijde onder meer minister Pavlo Klimkin van Buitenlandse zaken en parlementsvoorzitter Andrii Paroebii. Gisteren werd overigens nog ontkend dat de president een ontmoeting zou hebben met Nuland. Officieel heet het nu dat Porosjenko zich alleen bij het gezelschap voegde om de gespreksonderwerpen vast te stellen voor een komende ontmoeting met de Amerikaanse president Barack Obama.

Bron: Unian

Nuland, Poroshenko hold unscheduled meeting in Kyiv June 22 Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland and NSC Senior Directors Charles Kupchan and Celeste Wallander met on June 22 with senior Ukrainian officials, including President Poroshenko, Speaker of Parliament Parubiy, Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration for Foreign Policy Yelisieiev, and Foreign Minister Klimkin to discuss Ukraine's reform agenda and implementation of the Minsk agreements in support of Normandy countries, according to the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine. Politics 12:40, 23 June 2016 8 READ LATER 0 0 0 0 0 Photo from UNIAN Photo from UNIAN "The consultations were detailed and constructive, and focused heavily on the security requirements of Minsk in advance of the U.S. Delegation's onward travel to Moscow on June 23," the Embassy of the United States in Ukraine reports. The U.S. side welcomed Ukrainian leaders' strong commitment to full implementation of Minsk, and underscored that sanctions on Russia must stay in place in order to advance that goal. Read also Nuland arrives in Kyiv to discuss Minsk accords The presidential administration explained earlier announcement about no meeting between Poroshenko and Nuland being scheduled for Wednesday with the fact that Poroshenko only joined the meeting of the U.S. official with deputy chief of presidential administration Kostyantyn Yeliseyev, to agree the agenda of the upcoming meeting between Petro Poroshenko and U.S. President Barack Obama. The meeting was also dedicated to "coordinating efforts for continuing to exert pressure on Russia in order to make it fulfill security provisions of the Minsk agreements," reads the statement by the presidential administration.

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