donderdag 30 juni 2016

Loehanske belangrijkste doelwit van rebellen

De pro-Russische rebellen voerden gisteren 66 aanvallen uit op posities van het Oekraïense leger. De situatie was het meest nijpend bij het dorp Loehanske, vlakbij de stad Donetsk. De rebellen schoten hier met zware mortieren, artillerie en zelfs tanks. Ook werden zware mortieren ingezet tegen soldaten bij Novoselivka Droeha en Berezove, terwijl ze bij het dorp Trojtske te maken kregen met 122 millimeter artilleriegeschut.

De verdedigers van Avdiivka en de kolenmijn Boetivka werden bestookt met zware machinegeweren en automatische granaatwerpers. Het dorp Kamjanka werd met antiluchtdoelgeschut onder vuur genomen.

In de omgeving van Marioepol werden granaataanvallen gemeld door soldaten bij de dorpen Sjirokine, Starohnativka, Pavlopil en Talakivka. Een legereenheid bij het dorp Novotrojtske werd beschoten met 120 millimeter mortieren. In de provincie Loehansk was het dorp Novozvanivka doelwit van de rebellen. Hier werden 82 en 120 mortiergranaten afgeschoten op de soldaten. Een beschieting met 122 millimeter artilleriegeschut leidde tot een tegenaanval van het leger om daar een einde aan te maken.

Bij de gevechten is gisteren een Oekraïense soldaat om het leven gekomen. Er vielen maar liefst elf gewonden.

Bron: Unian
Russian proxies "step up significantly" shelling of ATO forces in last day The combined Russian-separatist forces attacked the Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine 66 times in the past 24 hours, including 28 times in the Donetsk sector, 21 times in the Mariupol sector, and 17 times in the Luhansk sector, according to the press center of the Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) Headquarters. War 09:40, 30 June 2016 50 READ LATER 0 0 53 0 0 Photo from UNIAN Photo from UNIAN "Violating the Minsk agreements, the enemy continued shelling the fortified positions of the ATO forces, using banned weapons," the ATO HQ said in an update as of 06:00 Kyiv time on June 30. In the Donetsk sector, the situation was most tense near the village of Luhanske, where the enemy fired on the Ukrainian fortified positions from heavy mortars, tanks, and self-propelled artillery. The militants also fired heavy mortars on fortified positions near the villages of Novoselivka Druha and Berezove, as well as 122mm artillery systems near the village of Troyitske. In addition, the enemy fired from machine guns and automatic grenade launchers on the defenders of the town of Avdiyivka and Butivka coal mine, as well as from an anti-aircraft gun near the village of Kamianka. Read also Militants attack Ukraine 51 times in last day, use grenade launchers in Donetsk sector "In the Mariupol sector, the Russian-backed mercenaries fired small arms and rocket-propelled grenades on our fortified positions near the villages of Shyrokyne, Starohnativka, Pavlopil and Talakivka, as well as 120mm mortars near the village of Novotroyitske," the press center said. Read also Situation in Ukraine remains "volatile," warns senior UN human rights official In the Luhansk sector, the occupiers fired from automatic grenade launchers and heavy mortars on ATO fortified positions near the village of Novozvanivka. "The enemy also conducted indirect fire with the use of 82mm and 120mm mortars and carried out six attacks from the 122mm self-propelled gun mounts in order to provoke the Ukrainian troops to fire in response," the press center said.

Read more on UNIAN:

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